Client Rights & Responsibilities
Client Rights
Accessible and impartial access to care
Autonomy: freedom of choice of therapist; right to refuse or leave treatment regardless of the therapist's opinion; right to a consultation with another therapist
Care in a safe health-care environment
Confidentiality: specifically, no disclosure of any information about the client without their written consent
Continuity of care
Dignity: including the right not to disrobe or remain disrobed longer than necessary
Privacy, both visual and auditory; this includes not having to disclose any information that is not relevant to the care the client is receiving
Respect for client values and cultural beliefs
right to be informed of their rights
Timely and accurate information on the status of background of the therapist providing care, the intervention provided, risks, side effects, alternatives, whether the care is part of a research study, and post-discharge treatment needs
Client Responsibilities
Provide accurate information to the therapist
Provide timely feedback to the therapist about treatment preferences, comfort, depth of pressure, and need to stop or take a break
Accept the consequences of refusing care, altering care, or choosing an alternative option to care
Act with consideration and respect for therapists and others in that setting
Adhere to instructions provided by the therapist
Follow rules of conduct of the health care facility
Assure that financial obligations to the facility are met
​Clients should not receive massage therapy treatment when under the influence of any substance that would impair the therapist's ability to treat safely or impair the therapist's ability to provide an effective treatment​